Monday 15 July 2024

Wonders of Nature. Baron's Haugh. Dalzell Estate. Motherwell

                                                 ALL PHOTOS CLICK FULL SCREEN.


 Another walk I thought of due to having the OS Landranger Sheet 64 Glasgow Motherwell and Airdrie map spread out in front of me. Baron's Haugh and the neighbouring Dalzell Estate can be found by taking the M74 from Glasgow to junction 6 then the B754 Airbles Road ( or get off at Airbles Train Station if using public transport) then Leven Street then follow North Lodge Avenue. Baron's Haugh car park is signposted from there down a wooded lane.

Baron's Haugh car park mural.

This is an open grassland area and a neighbouring wooded estate with flooded shallow gravel pits turned into a nature reserve.


The white trail. The open meadow section with distance views.


The wild flower meadow.

The flooded gravel pits.



The River Clyde walkway also runs past here on a good scenic trail.

River Clyde at Baron's Haugh.

Wooded Dalzell Park.

Blue flowers.

Ornate Bench.

Otter Bench.

Beetles Mating.

Six Spotted Burnet Moth.

A Burnet Moth flying.

Showing the six spots on each wing.

Distance view.

This is a very good walk and well worthwhile. The reason for the limited wording is that I'm totally pissed off by blogger. Suddenly, after years of enjoyable stress free posting I now get hit with the Goggle message allow cookies/ trackers every time I want to post anything, despite my virus checker advising against it. So now I have to allow cookies to post any photos on here. ( I looked online and apparently it's some EU directive that's kicked in.) I may get used to it but for now what used to be a pleasurable experience is now far less so. I'm completely disgusted as it's far less enjoyable to put posts up now. I had to stick all the photos on first then words after. Blogging is supposed to be easy and fun according to the blurb. It's not now for me. Now I have to remove any cookies and check my ad blocker, ghostery, and virus checker and hope they all work ok again. And will have to do the same thing every time I post anything presumably. Why can they not leave things alone if they work fine? They do the same thing every time any upgrade arrives. Something that works perfectly fine before is usually completely buggered afterwards. Time and time again. Yours, Disgusted.


Rosemary said...

A riot of lovely flowers and insects - the blue flowers are Cranesbill.
I know exactly how you feel about all of this continual cookie business. I am considering switching my browser to "DuckDuck" who stop all of the cookie nonsense and advert pop-ups too, and also its free.

blueskyscotland said...

Hi Rosemary. I've already got duck duck go and all the other security measures on my computer. Had it for years. It's a message that's only recently appeared in the last few days that I need to always unblock cookies if I want to post anything and only on google/ blogger. Nothing else. And only when I'm posting photos on blogger. I knew it was a Cranesbill as I looked it up online but was too pissed off with getting unexpectedly delayed by this bloody google demand to unblock and my virus checker advising me not too... even when using duck duck go that I wanted to use the minimum words possible in case the post was rejected. Yet cookie permission not required for any other webpage.. yet. Also a recent google upgrade, added even though I ticked the no upgrades box, lost me my downloadable ability with files I'm still trying to rectify two months later. It worked perfectly up until then.

Carol said...

Totally with you on why can't they leave stuff alone computerwise if it works! The reason they can't is that they employ developers who want to keep their jobs - in order to do that, they have to tinker with perfectly serviceable features just to justify their jobs! I get fed up with all the directives where you have to click loads of boxes before you can access anything too - let's face it, if you didn't 'allow cookies', you wouldn't get into the site and so we're well aware we need to do that to enter so we don't need to click endless boxes!!

Never seen a Burnett Moth - what a beautiful thing. We don't get anything like that in northern England. In fact, this year, we don't seem to have many butterflies at all. My garden has plants butterflies like and, when I moved here, were swarming with Red Admirals and Peacocks - now, zilch!

The 'blue' (really a shade of purple but digi-cameras make it look blue) is a Meadow Cranesbill. I love them and have some in my garden...

Anabel Marsh said...

I have been here years ago, looks worth a revisit. Wordpress is the same, things keep changing and it becomes more irritating. I am stubbornly sticking to an old version until it chucks me out. I think basically WP is not interested in hobby bloggers any more, just commercial websites, so they don’t really care what we think.

blueskyscotland said...

Hi Carol, I think you do get them down there as I've seen them myself you just don't slow down enough to see them. Take Damsel flies. I spotted them along the canal today but it took me ten minutes standing perfectly still and really looking hard to spot them as they are blue and green thin needles so blend in with the blue water and green vegetation. I guarantee 99 percent of canal walkers never see them. Even children nowadays don't spot them as caterpillars, ladybirds and bugs can't complete with smart phones after age 6.
It was going to be a more elaborate post as I had a range of different flowers and insects planned
but had to give that up after all the hassle getting even one photo posted online.

blueskyscotland said...

Evening Anabel. I've been a few times over the decades but almost forgot about it. The gravel ponds could do with some rain as it's been a really dry spring and summer so far with reservoirs half empty but the trees and wildflower meadows are spectacular. Alan suggested Millport but with the school holidays I thought it would be too busy whereas Baron's Haugh/ Dalzell estate is still a quiet gem. Forgot how good it was myself.

Kay G. said...

I always love the photos you share with us. The pictures of the river with the clouds reflected in the water, I love those.
It's a drag when Blogger does something different. I've never truly understood how to do things on my blog. I guess that shows. LOL!

Carol said...

Ah - that's why I don't see anything out on my walks - I never stand still for long enough or go slow enough! ;-)

I have been seeing some kind of black and yellow dragonfly around bogs recently though which I've never seen before.

Have you seen a chrysalis lately? I haven't seen once since I was a child and they used to be found in corners of our shed...

blueskyscotland said...

Cheers Kay, Yes, I suppose I will get used to it and it will become the new normal until some other change occurs I didn't want either. Same thing happens with trainers (sneakers) where you buy a pair for your feet that you really like then when it's time for a new pair that make has disappeared. Same with hill-walking trousers. I've been buying the same type for 30 years... go in to get a new pair, old ones had front zipped pockets you can get your entire hand in. Latest models front zipped pockets 1/4 the size. You can barely get a single credit card to fit in them and hand goes in only to the fingers. Totally useless for walking outdoors if you want to carry any keys or a wallet and not lose them.

blueskyscotland said...

Hi Carol, I suspected that might be the case. Saw a swift flying over the house tonight when I was sunbathing in the garden. They used to be yearly visitors in my district, around a dozen or so every summer but a rare sight nowadays, as are swallows. I miss them up here.
Nope. Not seen a chrysalis at all. Sounds like a 70s progressive rock band... or a record label.
Watched a very good documentary tonight about Daley Thompson. Olympic Decathlon Champion and world record holder. Still a unique character in his mid 60s now. Remember him?

Carol said...

I remember the name Daley Thompson but I don't watch any sport at all (don't have a telly anyway) - I'm usually too busy doing it!