Tuesday 22 November 2016

Crieff. Torlum. Knock of Crieff. Perthshire Winter Gallery.

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Winter is here with a vengeance this week with fresh snow over the higher mountains and overnight temperatures dropping to minus 12 degrees in the highland glens. With a good day forecast for last Sunday however and more importantly, light winds, Alex, Alan and myself fancied a day trip into Perthshire and the upmarket town of Crieff.
Alex had still to do Torlum, at 393 metres, a sub 2000 Marilyn, and on his bagging list. This is he crunching upwards across knee deep frozen terrain on the hillside. No snow as such, just heavy frost.
Deep layers of ice crystals on Torlum so the overnight frosts lately must have been severe. This is officially the coldest November since 2010 over the last week or so. It felt like that in the house where I rarely put the heating on in winter except for eating meals and half an hour before going to bed. I grudge and can't afford the bills if it's on whenever I'm in. Running the taps last thing at night and in the morning keeps them unfrozen in cold weather. When I did put the heating on full blast my feet were still frozen so I don't see the point spending hundreds in heating bills every winter when I can sit in my sleeping bag with a warm jumper on watching the telly at night and feel toasty that way.
Autumn colours near the start of the walk, a tiny lay-by for one or two cars near Ballochargie next to Loch of Balloch where we then followed the forestry road up the hill until we reached open ground above the forest.
Several pines looking very Christmas- like coated with sparking white frost.
A zoom of the Knock of Crieff, and Milquhanzie Hill with its mast, surrounded by a blanket of mist.
We had several inversion effects occurring in this area with any low lying straths or glens completely submerged under a thick blanket of murk. Anyone down here might think it was a dismal day but hill-walkers and outdoor folk know different.
Mist rising off the moor under the sun's rays.
Higher hills around the Loch Turret area.
One of the monument above Comrie near the Deil's (Devil's) Caldron waterfall. Ticked this one off a few years ago with Alex on the blog.
Although darkness is around half past four pm now we still had time to climb the Knock of Crieff as well. Alan and his dog on the track back down.
Higher surrounding mountains covered in fresh snowfalls.
And a couple of Crieff from lower levels with the last of the afternoon sunshine painting the town in sunset colours.
Crieff Hydro on its hill. For the Knock of Crieff you follow the signs through town indicating Crieff Hydro and the car park for The Knock is just above that, past the riding stables. A good day out and fairly warm in the sunshine.
Added a link to my latest kindle book in the side bar. A Scottish Outdoor Kaleidoscope. £2:49. Unusual trips all over the country by foot, ferry, kayak and bike and all with the 'off the beaten track' approach not seen in most other guides. Includes over 400 original colour photographs taken by the author. First couple of chapters free to read here.

Another western and a very good remake. Liked the John Wayne original but this is equally good and different enough to be an entertaining separate film rather than just a copy.


  1. There is just so much beauty in your photos! Thank you so much for sharing your lovely tours, I really enjoy them. :)

  2. I love that area. Downloaded the book!

  3. wow - amazing frost crystals! The newly fallen snow on the hills is lovely. Great photos of the countryside and the town.

  4. Stunning Bob - sometimes the beauty of a winter's day just takes the breath away. I always smile inwardly when folk complain about dreary winter....

    Kind Regards

  5. I don't like the cold, snow, or frost, but they make for wonderful photos from you.
    I too am mean with the heating but I must admit that at this time of year it is on all evening long and every morning - I do like to be warm.

  6. Cheers Linda,
    Glad you like the photos.

  7. Hi Anabel,
    Hope you enjoy it. Thank you. My secret to always getting fine weather in Scotland over the last seven years outdoors is to watch the BBC weather forecast the night before (It can be several days before but to be really certain the night before a trip) then I simply go to where it shows the sun is shinning. It can be raining or dull in Glasgow but sunny out Falkirk or Edinburgh way or down the Clyde Coast. A simple obvious tip but it can turn Scotland into a sunny paradise for day trips away if you have a car or a bus pass... as I get mine very soon :o). Usually they are the best and most accurate to read on the BBC or Scottish News afterwards as the MET office ones show sun symbols and rain falling clearly over separate districts. They are also available to view online anytime so a life of sunshine in Scotland can be yours as well. Merry Christmas and say goodbye to rain.

  8. Cheers Linda W,
    The snow makes a change as I think I'll be posting autumn photos right up to Christmas and beyond as I still have about seven sets of them still unposted.

  9. Hi Ian,
    I like winter outdoors... not so keen when it comes to sit beside me in my living room :o)

  10. Hello Rosemary,
    Only another four months to go then Persephone ascends again with the daffodils and the green joy of spring.

  11. I have to say I hate it being so cold - it just makes me ill! Having said that, me and Richard have just had some great days out on the Lakes hills in over a foot of snow! Amazing for November - I've never known snow like that on the English hills so early. Crieff is nice - I used to like driving north through the town and stayed the odd night there...

  12. Hi Carol,
    The Lake District in full winter conditions must be magical.

  13. Well it looks like the snow will be staying for a while in the Lakes so perhaps you need to get another hut trip organised quick! ;-)
