Tuesday 9 May 2017

Suburbia Somewhere. (with apologies to Coleridge and Poe)

                          In suburbia did Kilmar-Din a stately pleasure ground decree:
                                          Where Allander, the scared river, ran
                                      Between homes small, between homes vast
                                   Each laced with wood... and bird... and tree
                          So to this enchanted kingdom... myself and muse did run
                                                  or rather bikes did push
                                          to enter this land of make believe

                                            In that kingdom beyond the sea
                                       For she was a child and I was a child (again)
                                           whenever she came to play with me
                                         and our love was pure...and deep... and true
                                 Until she asked-"can I have another slice of your brie............. please?"
                    For picnic it was... beside daisy lawn... an earthbound constellation.
                And she devoured my second tart... then bun... then cream with butter scone...
                               treasured items I would only give up... for such as she.
                                        Wherever she stood... wherever she sat....
                                 each hill we climbed... each new heartbeat that passed...
                                                  She munched and crunched
                                                           yet never got fat...
                                                 In that kingdom beyond the sea

                                 and our love was love- that was far more than love
A platonic acquaintance, that treasured rare find- so unusual between a she and a me.
              an occasional friend, a like minded companion, a gift from the gods maybe?
                                              ....until she scoffed all my brie!
                                                               and left me
                                                                     far less
                                                      than I would have wished
                                                                   for tea
                                     in that still hungry kingdom beyond the sea :o)

Another Princess of Suburbia with a well matched stunning video.One of my all time favourites on You Tube for visual splendour and a nice match between two creative talents here. Captures the very essence of summer in the UK.


  1. Such a lovely post, I enjoyed all your beautiful photos and captions. Thank you so much for sharing, such beauty and wonder!

  2. You are quite the Scottish Bard Bob along with some lovely images - did I spot Tannoch Lock? Just near to where I used to live.

  3. Well spotted Rosemary.
    It was a cycle ride from Belinda's house in Glasgow through Bearsden and Milngavie
    to the edge of the Campsie Fells, uphill most of the way, hence the extra food consumption from my companion who found it hard going and needed additional treats at every rest stop to keep her motivated.... or so she claimed :o) Over 1000 feet of uphill cycling by the end of it but great freewheels back down. Incidentally, similar to your last post I discovered that whole area was once heavily landscaped grand estates so the small lochans and scenery there are not necessarily the natural terrain most folk, including myself, think of as being great untamed rural habitat around that patch of suburbia but a man made creation instead. No doubt why I immediately thought of Kubla Khan and Xanadu for the post as it suddenly made sense why it's such a beautiful location.

  4. Great post Bob, different take on the writing to support the images

  5. I used to write poetry when I was young.
