Tuesday 12 September 2017

Alma Deutscher.

I was going to mention this child prodigy in passing on the next photo post as I watched this documentary last week on TV and it was a real highlight. I'm not really a fan of classical music or opera so I had never heard of this girl before now which made the recently shown documentary even more fascinating. Stunned to find it on You Tube so quickly and I've no idea how long it will stay in place but it certainly made paying the TV license fee worthwhile as I'm normally underwhelmed by child performances on things like Britain's Got Talent etc (rarely watch reality TV at all if I have control of the buttons), where you have to wade through hours of mediocre dross to find anything of interest.

An exceptional documentary I really enjoyed and well worth seeing even if you don't watch it on here. (Video still available... just not on here. See You Tube.)


  1. I will take a look at this, thank you so much for sharing it. I am not a big fan of classical music or opera, either. However, I love Julie Andrews and Patricia Routledge. :) Patricia Routledge is hilarious on Keeping Up Appearances and I like her singing, too.

  2. It's not Patricia Routledge but I think you would like it Linda even though it's an hour long video as it is an interesting and engaging story throughout and she has a huge personality for someone her age. I've been a fan of Kate Bush since my teenage years (not for her sexuality, as some might think, but because of the music and her songwriting skills)and took lessons as a young adult to play the piano for several years. Alas, I did not have much talent myself in that department but the piano, then the violin are still my favourite instruments as well as the more obvious guitar.
    Well worth watching.
    Thanks for the comment. I added the video as if I had just mentioned it in passing, in a normal post, few, if any, would have bothered to look it up online and it is pretty special.

  3. You're right, she really is something. Makes you wonder what she will be able to do as an adult!

  4. Glad you enjoyed it Kay. I live for documentaries like the one here or great films that have equal sparkle about unusual subjects or people.
