Friday 29 June 2018

Perth. Part Two. The City itself. Islands and Museum.

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After my climb up Kinnoull Hill I still had time for a quick wander around Perth city centre itself. As I said in the previous post I've only stopped here in the past for takeaway meals or a wander along the waterfront on Tay Street where you can park beside the river.
This is a view of Tay Street here, with parking beside the river.
Nearby is the tourist information centre, a gallery and this stone pillar, all located right beside the elevated railway bridge over the river and pedestrian walkway to Moncrieffe Island. As this adjoining building seemed to be mainly a gallery selling or exhibiting paintings ( I may be wrong here as I didn't go in) I headed for Perth's main Art Gallery and Museum instead to find out about the history of the area.
This is located at the other upstream end of Tay Street, where the stone road bridges are. Although smaller than large city museums like Glasgow or Edinburgh it nonetheless has an interesting layout. I was particularly taken by the longboat found on the  banks of the River Tay, a hollowed out tree, and dated from at least 3000 years ago. American Pioneer Daniel Boone's 60 foot Kentucky dugout that took him to St Louis was carved out in 1799 from a single tulip tree. (As mentioned two posts ago)
Here's the Perth version. Built 3000 years earlier. I always thought America was a forward looking, modern, technologically advanced society at the 'cutting edge' of innovation but come on! State of the art design way back in them days! What Kept Ya USA and Daniel Boone? Yee-haa, Go boat building Perth! Forward River Tay! A Bronze Age head start in the tree hollowing and river paddling industry.  :o)
They also had a fine display of stuffed animals of the type still found around the local area that I was impressed by as it was well laid out in realistic displays. A fish eagle, also known as an Osprey, here.
And an art gallery section. According to info gathered at the time they are hoping to move the museum into a more modern, purpose built building but I couldn't see anything particularly wrong with the old one- except possibly limited wheelchair access or WiFi signals. Everyone needs WiFi signals nowadays- 24/7 in every public building. Anything else is obsolete. Or so it sometimes seems.
The local cinema, now turned into an Imax 3D entertainment venue. Jumanji 2 showing around the time of my visit with local Scottish girl, (Inverness born and doing quite well across the pond,) Karen Gillan, strutting her stuff in an updated version of  the infamous Raquel Welch fur/hide bikini in time honoured female fashion at the movies. (Just as well it wasn't Game of Thrones she was appearing in or she'd be showing a lot more than a belly button and as yet mercifully tattoo free arms and legs.)
Good to see how far woman have advanced since that unenlightened 1960s overtly sexist age....:o). Actresses are called 'actors' now of course so it's a different time altogether compared to the bad old days. Incidentally, I still like the term 'actress'- nothing wrong with it at all and it's been a hard earned title since the days of Evelyn Nesbit, Mary Pickford, and Bette Davis.
Beales Department store. An old independent store chain founded in the 1800s of a type dying out or just clinging on in many high streets UK wide... yet.... this is not all it seems. A newly opened store and the first one in Perth and Scotland. An old independent store chain right enough, founded in Bournemouth in the late 1800s then spreading out across the rest of England progressing slowly northwards... then here- the first one opened in Scotland. I was surprised by this as it looks as if its been here for centuries and until I did a little research online I'd assumed it was an old, much loved Perth institution. Not so, despite appearances.
Some more views of Perth's Shopping District laid out in a grid pattern.
Mostly pedestrian friendly, except for the occasional service or allowed vehicle entry. Police van here but not for me or anyone else that I noticed acting up... just maintaining law and order and a visible presence at Christmas in these times of social divide, terrorist threats, and potential unrest.
"Which one of you is my Mama?" The baby Jesus with a valid question. Clue. It's not me although I have managed to provide a 'holy ghost' presence at this Christmas tribute with a rare window reflection selfie. An 'extra' wise man in the stable brings a modern camera as a gift. Come to think of it, being a 4th wise man,  I'm the only 'white', northern climate, proudly native, person here so this particular set up is full of untrustworthy foreigners from overseas to my way of thinking.... should that baby even be that colour ?....I suspect a Cleopatra style pale skinned western makeover at some point in history :)
Perth City Hall. I liked the 'Big Babies' here. Apart from being presumably oversized classically inspired Putto/putti ( child statue stone artwork popular in old buildings worldwide) it's also a recognized psychological condition in some people who throw real or mock rage tantrums until they get their own way. Usually connected with power assertion--- as in old time film moguls who were notorious for it... certain football managers... Diva actors/ actresses throwing a strop, or just ordinary people who still use it as a device into adulthood. Often it is still very effective as a weapon/device to achieve an aim which is why it is still so common, presumably. Often it is a natural part of that individuals deeply embedded core personality reacting to various situations that they can automatically speed dial up when called for, unlike the rest of us who stay calm under normal conditions, so it's not really 'faked' in that regard as most normal folk would find it an effort to produce a similar effect of instant rage without serious provocation.
I was also bagging River Tay islands on this trip. The upstream view at the tip of Moncrieffe Island here.
The info map showing my intended route and some of the islands in the river.
Bridgend on the other bank of Perth (Road) Bridge.
I found a very faint waste ground path here under this community and was in my element, as usual, exploring an urban little used route, well away from the well beaten tourist trails and tarmac boundaries.
It led to here and a fairly tricky hi level pipe walk under the bridge to the far side. Higher and narrower than it looks once on it. Scary but fun. I'm a big kid too when it comes to things like this. Not worth serious injury though I thought once I'd returned and came close to slipping off, second time around, on the way back.
Another island and a view of the North Inch- a pleasant park land open meadow area beside the river leading to the Peter Pan sounding 'Woody islands' disappointing reality just scrubby half submerged jungles like this one... Moncrieffe is the only inhabited, cultivated island with foot paths hereabouts. Despite a strong current at times it is a popular venue for local kayak clubs as there's interesting features to paddle round and a mix of different habitats and views on the River Tay.
Another closer view of the start of the North Inch park lands. Good for walking or cycling but as I'd explored it before by bike some years ago I gave it a miss this time around.
Past Moncrieffe you come to The Stanners, a small half submerged huddle of scrubby islands near Bridgend, or one island- depending on river levels. A wet thigh job to wade over and bag them so I didn't bother with that.
Half a Tanner public house. Perth city centre.

This is a link to Kinnoull Hill- Excellent You tube drone footage of this dramatic public park situated high above Perth and at three minutes long it's well worth seeing. Gives you a good overview of the area and the 200 metre, 700 foot high cliffs and woodlands falling down to meet the river below. I spent a memorable night up here with a long ago girlfriend/ companion/ muse watching the sun set in the evening then rise again in the morning when both the world and our half imagined dreams of future adventures together seemed limitless. Sadly they were not when reality finally intruded/dawned.
                                          'Le chat qui chasse seul.'  I guess.   Sniff Sniff....

Cracking footage here. Never had the nerve this visit to stand beyond the folly wall like these folk are doing. It's a long way down and people have died at this spot. I like life too much to risk it.


  1. Love the photo of you between the Wise Men! If you had moved over just a bit, you would have been with the ASS! HA HA!
    Speaking of Mary asking that question, it reminds me of the song "Mary, Did You Know". I have an issue with that since if you follow these things closely, she really DID know! I think so anyway.
    LET IT BE!
    THanks for sharing this photo, you know I love it!
    Love all the photos, beautiful and interesting.

  2. I was still working on it when you posted Kay. Mary is not saying anything now apart from thinking "who is the daddy here? :o)
    I've also put in a couple of extra photos at the end ... and one very pretentious arty comment/end line in French.. just to be totally annoying.... "Pretentious- moi!?"

  3. The shop that is now Beale’s was empty last time I was in Perth - it was a very fine, Independent department store which went bust. The name escapes me now. Anyway, I am glad to see the building in use even if the window posters look tackier than under previous management. The gallery by the railway bridge is the JD Fergusson Gallery and is worth a visit if you like the Scottish Colourists. (I think that’s the one you mean, it’s in the old water tower).

  4. Ah, Thanks Anabel,
    That would explain the old decorated shop front. Nice to see someone expanding into High Streets at least. Hopefully they can have some success at it- not easy when online shopping continues to dominate the market place.
    That was the building I mentioned. The Old Water Tower.

  5. I've got to say that I didn't find any of the 60s or 70s particularly sexist!

    I also think that hollowing out a treetrunk to make a boat is a lot easier than making planks and then putting one together - probably far more watertight too!

  6. Hi Carol,
    not being a female I can only comment from a male point of view of that era- then as now it depends on individuals attitudes. Nowadays there's far more politically correct awareness overall, often too far the other way, except on wild west social media where women really do get a much harder time than in the past. Game of Thrones, whatever you think of it, is an oddity in that it has really strong female characters, very well cast for the roles they play but comes with the penalty that most of them have to appear naked at some point as they are competing against(free) internet porn for viewers. Same sea saw effect has oscillated frequently over the history of films and TV. The 1970s and 1980s had some strong TV then it tamed down in the 1990s early 2000s. Same with mainstream music which is going through a particularly bland period at present.

  7. There is so much lovely architecture to be seen in Perth, and I especially love that 'crown' shaped tower seen in your first photo of St Leonards-in-the-fields and Trinity Church.
    Are you still having trouble received emails via comments. If so, let me know and I will send you details on how to overcome it?

  8. Loved the video footage, I'd love a drone myself for some creative shooting but too expensive and I'd likely just lose or destroy it. They made be idiot-proof but I doubt they are Andy-proof :)

  9. Cheers Rosemary,
    I sent you details on how to fix it a couple of posts ago but I can't claim any credit as it was someone more tech savvy than me who figured it out. It does put it back to normal the way it was before.

  10. Hi Andy, Same here and I'd be gutted if it 'drowned' in a loch or went down where there was no hope of getting it back. A cracking bird's eye video and two looked out for the next post. Both very different.
    I watched a recent TV prog/ series last week about Skyscrapers design,new builds and construction, UK and World Wide. Well worth catching with your family experience of them. 455 new ones proposed for greater London area alone in future years.

  11. That is strange as I never received it - but thanks for doing that anyway. You must have thought it strange that I was offering to help you now. I must take a look in my spam and see if it is there.

  12. Thank you Bob - just found it. Because I have not been receiving comment emails I didn't know that it was there as I had not looked back at that post. It just goes to show that you miss things when blogger doesn't work properly.

  13. No worries,
    main reason I like receiving E-mail notifications is that I still get comments to urban Glasgow posts I put up years ago and without email telling me they are there I'd never find them.

  14. I love really old archeological finds like that dugout, a connection to a time which its hard to even imagine - fascinating.

  15. Enjoyed that Bob - I always do though, sadly, I am way behind with blog visiting! Anyway, your usual blend of observation, interesting details and excellent photos. I don't know Perth - have passed through it, including recently on the way to and from Scone.
