Wednesday 12 June 2019

Bowling to Milngavie. Clyde Coastal Route.

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A combined solo cycle then walk from Bowling to Milngavie that took a bit of forward planning. First I cycled (last Autumn it was) from my house out along the Forth and Clyde canal to Bowling then turned inland and back via several small hill-tops and parks to meet up with the Clyde Coastal route.
Titan Crane here.
A view of the Erskine Bridge with Renfrewshire ridges in distance across the river.
Back onto the Forth and Clyde canal.
Another park- I was sticking to green corridors as much as possible- in fact it was mainly green throughout with great views.
Forth and Clyde canal info sign.
Yet another hill....
...and then left my bike at Anne's house, chained up behind her shed in the garden.
Next half on foot occurred some time later, following the Clyde Coastal Route over the edge of the Kilpatrick Hills which I decided would be better done without the bike... as a contrast.
I've walked the higher, unofficial stretch of this route before but this is the signposted lower path which skirts a large sand quarry on Douglas Muir then descends towards Tambowie.
Path info.
Wild roe deer hearing a farm dog barking.
Pleasant scenery.
Hi Flats in Springburn.

Looking across at the Campsie Fells from the Kilpatricks.

Passing Milngavie Golf Course- a lovely section of the walk.
Sunlit Sheep.
And finally Milngavie, a small upscale town/commuter suburb just north of Glasgow's sprawl.
It was around dusk when I reached it. The main shopping centre here- shops just closing up for the evening around 5.00pm and getting cold- hence the empty streets. I also waited to get them free of pedestrians.
A good outing but I was glad I was heading home by bus. Rather weary by this point.
Lochan reflections.
Milngavie Sunset.



  1. I can't recognise Milngavie but it is now so long since I lived there, and neither do I remember Lochan. I only recall Tannoch Loch and if ever I was to return to Glasgow that is where I would prefer to live.

  2. Fabulous day out! We used to do that ride down to Bowling in our (long past) cycling days. Mind you, with the collection of dodgy knees, feet and ankles we have between us we should maybe be resurrecting those days.

  3. Hi Rosemary,
    Yes, it's a nice area with plenty of outdoor potential. I've been very lucky where I've lived both here in the West End and growing up on the southern outskirts of the city surrounded by world class scenery five minutes walk from the doorstep. And for me that's rolling farmland, cow dotted fields,woods and lochs/lakes. I like visiting mountain areas but I prefer to live in rural scenery, especially surrounded by parks and loads of deciduous woodlands and streams. A perfect combination.

  4. Yes, it's a nice run Anabel with the added bonus of being fairly flat. Bowling is still a scenic spot despite not having a great deal in it for visitors apart from its river and canal side setting. I watched that programme about Singer's factory a few months ago, and Clydebank was just a tiny village until they built that massive workforce up over decades to create the large town today. Just shows how a place can be transformed.

  5. I'm suspicious of your lovely sunset photos now... Richard was just taking some photos of a lovely sulphur yellow sunset in Kendal - quite insipid but unusual... the camera made out they were lovely orangey-red sunsets - way off these digi-cameras!

    Some of those colours look autumnal - was this back in Autumn? or has the cold weather sent the trees back into that state?

  6. Yes, it was late autumn. I buy all my sunsets from the local library Carol. Bestselling paperback books 6 for a pound.... assorted Scottish sunsets two quid per 50 snaps. A bargain...!
