Friday 1 May 2020

Spring Glory. The Parklands. Say it with Flowers.

                                                 ALL PHOTOS CLICK FULL SCREEN.

Imagine for a moment that we lived in a perfect world. A dream scenario of exquisite elements combining to make an almost perfect place to live in. Then imagine we called that place Earth... and it had seasons...each unique and breathtakingly different in turn.

Some of the people that live on Earth create grand houses and gardens while the majority have to make do with smaller squares of land to call their own.

But that's ok because everyone has the right to share the seasons. Parks were built in every town and city at great expense in the past to let the masses savour nature's gift as well.

Would that not be Utopia?

A world of colour and beauty for all. Free to enjoy.

If the sun became unbearable you could always escape down shady paths, filled with the scent of wild garlic.

In this world even humble weeds had a pattern that mirrored the constellations above.

It was an Eden then.

This world was filled with animals, birds, butterflies, fish, reptiles, and insects beyond counting. A few made their homes with us and became our friends.... treasured companions. We ate them last.

"What happened Daddy?"

"We ran out of food Tabitha. I lost my own children as I didn't have enough money to feed them. Food was scarce then. Even rats were in short supply. As you know you are genetically engineered from the household cat. She was clever and hid herself well. Unlike her you do not need meals to survive."

" Yes, but what happened before that!?"

"We messed up. It was only a perfect world for so long, then, gradually, we used up all the resources under the ground to build things we thought we wanted. By the time everyone decided we could live without them it was too late. We had already created 'Pandora' and she had the power to alter everything, everywhere, in ways we didn't foresee and that we struggled to reverse. For every deliberate correction we made she subtly altered a hundred more every day. Things started dying but we were too busy and engrossed in 'Pandora' by then and sleepwalked ourselves into a slow decline."

"Seduced by a machine of our own creation that could prolong life, predict previously unseen events,
and hypnotize the masses we took our eye off the ball then consoled ourselves with the thought that we could create again all that we had lost."

"but the reality proved more complex than we first imagined and we had fewer places left to put them so most remained on ice."

"By the time all the countries in the world agreed that the only sensible course of action was to limit population growth it was too late. Nature fundamentalists had created a stealth control pandemic which made ninety nine percent of the population infertile. We found out later it was irreversible which is why I saved you child and gave you a few human characteristics from my first born. You were all I could have after it went off. Everyone old died, disease spread rapidly, but plants were re-fertilized, and new lands colonized on the rotting corpses of the stricken. Very good for the ground when used as ash. This also solved the immediate problem of food as fresh 'Donations' could be stored for many decades. So much burning flesh would also have been a waste of precious coal and wood. Oil and tallow candles were obtained too for the fruitful among us to hoard. 'Bones will grow our future.'   'Donations are a lasting legacy.'  became common sayings for my generation."

"Now the world is fresh again and we have enough to eat once more. We will colonize the landscapes again with cyber animals like you until the few real ones we managed to save can increase in numbers."

"I have left the window open as this will be my last day of spring. It is now my turn to 'donate.' Shut it behind you when you leave. You will find others of your kind beyond the wall. All is good."

 (Thought you might like to see this post from the earlier days of the blog when I used to indulge occasionally in a spot of creative writing. Although from years back it does have a few similarities to today's Covid 19 lock-down which is why I've repeated it again.)

And to complement this colour filled post a link to one of the most beautiful and stunning five minute videos you will ever see or hear. That such things exist in our world, completely unseen until fairly recently, is a genuine miracle.


  1. Gaia is far more powerful than man - she will always be the victor.

  2. It's quite like my brother's writing that - well, when he used to write. He doesn't seem to do much nowadays.

    I wish we still had proper seasons!

    Your first photos remind me that I must take my camera over the hill to a nearby village where they have 2 gorgeous cherry blossom trees!

  3. I really thought you had written that in response to the current situation! Very prescient. The pictures are just gorgeous. The video is amazingly beautiful, and as soon as the voice started I knew it was Antony from Antony and the Johnsons, now known as Anohni (she’s a trans woman). We saw them at what was probably still the Carling Academy in the mid 2000s. One of those rare gigs where you could almost hear a pin drop and anyone who tried to chat was roundly shushed. Great post!

  4. Hi Rosemary,
    we can only hope that's correct :o)

  5. Hello Carol,
    I can understand why he stopped. It's a youthful belief in your own abilities that soon fades with age, experience, and a general lack of interest from everyone else after putting in 1000s of hours of work for scant reward :o)
    I've had a great spring season this year, despite the lock down- one of the best for years as it was so quiet and peaceful here.

  6. Cheers Anabel,
    That's why I thought it was a good fit this time round with the world's 'window' about to be opened again after the current lock down. 'Tabitha' was not a random choice of name either, being a reconstructed creature from the bible. Deeper than the average puddle me :)
    Glad you liked the video. It's surprising how many people our age only like music from their youth whereas I prefer to find new modern artists, music, or writers I haven't came across before. It's what keeps me still interested. Plenty more great original artists coming up hopefully but you also might like Antony and the Johnsons- The Lake (loannina)which is also a beautiful five minute wonder taken from an Edgar Allen Poe poem. and Sia's One Candle video filmed across the NYC skyline at night.

  7. So when this is made into a film will we see you accepting a BAFTA or Oscar for Best Screenplay? I can see it happening!
    I will go back and look at the video.
    Guess what, I just watched the TV show with the guys from All Creatures Great and Small driving from Inverness to Isle of Skye. I really enjoyed that! I thought of you! (I know the show must be years old but it takes a while to get to us.)

  8. Hi Kay
    Nope, I'm too shy but I have just watched The Guernsey Literary and potato peel pie society on TV tonight. A film that you would like along with Their Finest.... This Beautiful Fantastic... and Sing Street- all great old fashioned modern films to watch out for over there.
    I have seen the Skye trip one years ago as you say.
    If you watch that video you will be on the same site that has Back In Time For Dinner, Back In Time For School and Back in Time for The Corner Shop- Full 45 minute episodes free to watch.
    Best Wishes.

  9. Some lovely images here Bob - and an interesting piece of writing when viewed through the "2020 lens"!

  10. An intriguing and fascinating post! :)
