Monday 2 November 2020

Visions. A Whirlwind Tour of Glasgow's Parks in Autumn.


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Had a fantastic whirlwind tour of some of Glasgow's parks recently with Anne and Belinda to let them see the best of the October tree colours. We arrived in separate cars, keeping a healthy distance, but that didn't stop us having a fun time. Naturally I was the tour guide as I know exactly where to find them all down to individual favourite trees, or groups of trees for the best mixed hues, so consider this gallery- many new but some old favourites ... as a thwarted artist painting with a camera instead. Why did I take a photo of this beautiful house? Why not?  It's beautiful.....It's a golden ratio thing.... 

Or is it golden spirals gently falling on nature's shining path of life....

 Ascending silver birch trees in October.

The blue island bridge in Victoria Park.

Double duck.

Two coots contemplating the essential mystery of being alive.  

October afternoon sunshine in Victoria Park. A glorious day as it always is within the boundaries of my personal inner kingdom.  Not that many people around as it was a day of mixed heavy showers then strong bright sunshine but this contrast showed the colours off even more so was heaven sent. 

Heaven's Scent. The last roses in bloom before the frosts and snow of November.

But for now, in balmy October, we live in a charmed world of visions. A camera shot taken straight into the sun can sometimes produce an interesting effect. Lets call this one a red rainbow.

And a real rainbow. Sunshine after a heavy shower in Victoria Park. Apart from a wide range of trees gathered from every corner of the globe former great estates/now park lands have a range of exotic species deliberately picked for their dazzling colours.


The pond in autumn.



War bench memorial.


 Seen from the trees.

Natural umbrella.


Small people in the distance always add some interest and a sense of scale.

Even a drop of rain on the lens can add a mystery quality... as in an amorphous bubble sitting in the grass in this brave new age of social bubbling.  

"Yet through it all we glide serenely untroubled ... feet firmly on the shining path."

....hovering unconcerned and detached over the wastelands of new Britain.... a lofty bubble... we have an oasis of calm to escape into, ...the original, ultimate bubble... the first lady herself...

Mother.... Nature...

Who provides as much mystery and we need..... turtle? alligator? scuba diver?

to enchant us all.... ???

Mystery revealed... a deep diving juvenile little grebe bobs to the surface. 

The Fossil Grove. Victoria Park.

A small Trojan horse perhaps...

so....will this coming week give us highs or lows?....

Or just a new Red Dawn occurrence?

only time will tell..... 


A lucky dip choice. 


  1. That second to last photo is my favourite - lovely colours across tranquil water. None of that here - very, very windy and we're UNDER water!

    Those coots aren't contemplating the meaning of life - they're not talking to each other. You can tell by the body language... separate branches... pointedly not looking at each other... typical marital tiff!

  2. Gorgeous colours! We are very lucky.

  3. Cheers Anabel.
    Colours have been very good this year and long lasting.

  4. Hi Carol,
    we did have big weekend storms so I was down the coast capturing that as well. Some of the sentences, including the coots line, are a reference to other things. No doubt Scotland will be joining you soon in another lockdown so it might well be a bubbling Christmas with a virtual masked Santa.

  5. Stunning colours there. Just waiting for a little bit of sunshine so I can head out and see it for myself before all goes grey again for November.

  6. Autumn seems to have been exceptional this year with so many wonderful leaf colours and hues. I do remember Victoria Park and being really interested to see the remains of the tree stumps from the carboniferous age in their fossil grove.

  7. Hi Andy,
    you'll need to be quick- not many leaves left up here. Under The Skin (film) really captured how bleak and miserable a Highland winter can be- freezing sleet and rain, endless mist, short days and long,long hours of darkness for four months. Much more of that type of weather than snowy days or sunshine which is why a lot of incomers only last a few winters before they pine for hotter, drier places. Takes a certain breed to enjoy it and I'm not one.

  8. Hi Rosemary,
    it's still a lovely park. Packs a lot in for its modest size.

  9. What lovely photos! Will you be going into lockdown tomorrow? Take care in your bubble! Are you watching the US elections results? Georgia is still too close to call!

  10. Hi Kay,
    Thank you. Lockdown not arrived in Scotland yet but it probably will come here. Yes I am.

    1. Hey! Celebrations in the street in USA when Biden declared winner of election! They're still counting in Georgia!😳 Not many left though so it doesn't matter, Biden already got it from the Electoral votes. 🇺🇸

  11. Congratulations,
    I do think if it hadn't been for Covid 19 deaths Trump would have won again though which is an amazing, baffling thought for most Europeans watching as we do not really understand the depth of the trench between voting Republican or Democrat, and probably never will, just like the ordinary persons right over there to carry guns in the street that can spray bullets. Hopefully Biden will bring some calm back though to the streets of the USA.

  12. Bob - we DO understand the depth of the trench between voting Republican and Democrat - same as the one here between voting Conservative or Lib/Lab!
