Tuesday 9 March 2021

Springtime. An Alchemy Occurs.

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A mere week after a heavy dump of snow fell over Scotland the weather changed, getting 12 degrees warmer during the day, causing the snow to melt rapidly under a warmer sun and life to start anew. One of the beautiful gifts of living in a cold country is this fast change- sometimes within a few days of each other- as a week after the snowdrifts, at low levels, we had this...

Unfrozen ponds and green grass visible again in the parks. Victoria Park pond here.

Humans are not the only things confined to a small local area. Swans and other water birds, looking for food and warmer city temperatures, leave the colder countryside behind and arrive in greater numbers on the park ponds. As the ice increases nightly across the surface their world also gets smaller and smaller, just like ours did this past year. Only by swimming through the long hours of darkness for several weeks in ever tighter circles can an open area of water remain, crammed with an assortment of different birds, but just like elephants in Africa creating/widening or maintaining water holes by digging them out with their tusks, it's the power and greater weight/ size of the swans, that most years, keeps a small patch open and unfrozen for the rest to enjoy.

 Mallard Ducks in perfect alignment.

 Come the spring though, like us, they start to get restless, hoping to fly off with the better weather and leave mere puddles behind. A ballet dance on short legs captured across Swan Lake. A testing of wings. They sense... they know....

'She' arrives. The deepest blue on the ridge line heralds her approach. An alchemy occurs. The unique, often sharp edged perfume of Spring on the breeze.

Birds dance in flight.

From dead winter debris the phoenix rises again,  hopefully ever year, but as recent events prove, this should never be taken for granted. It is the first miracle and should be treated as such- always and forever.

A crocus sea in Victoria Park in early March.

The 'rights' of Spring.

A thrush approves.

No artist's palette looked more impressive than this.

A colour splurge.... without austerity.

"Hello young lovers." An outpouring of intense rejuvenation.

Soon new life will burst forth and the trees will unfold this seasons mint fresh green canopy in a dazzling array of different shapes and hues.

 Daffodils will replace crocus within a few short weeks.

 Sometimes all three overlap together.  Crocus...


 and daffodils...

and at night my pure skies always blaze with glory...

strange pink sunsets....

When proper alchemy occurs...

It  turns base winter landscapes into shining bars of gold and silver....

 for the wonder of us all.

International women's day? There is only one true contender for me. Mother Nature...of course... without which, none of us, male or female, would be here. There is a reason for that name, which many living in towns and cities, separated completely from the countryside that feeds them, tend to forget or ignore, most of the time...but we are all her subjects every single day...existence only possible from one meal to another.

and on the highest mountains of all, winter may linger longest...

So smile and rejoice.... With a worthy runner up.



  1. Really enjoyed this, gorgeous photos. Particularly liked the info about swans keeping the water from freezing. I notice all the places we used to see swan families just a pair now remains. No doubt the cycle will begin again soon.

  2. Yeah - lasted all of a couple of days and is now back to worse than 'orrid! I've been pretty near hypothermia in my house most days this last couple of weeks - even worse on the hill!

    That swan photo is truly great! The others are very pretty too :-)

  3. Spring feels wonderful this year. It must be as a result of the angst that we have all been suffering day in and day out over the past year. I am feeling happy, loving the blue skies, all the Spring flowers, and you appear to be doing so too.

  4. Your photos and words are always so perfect, Bob! Loved the video, Bad To The Bone! And the swan photo with outstretched wings-you should enlarge it and frame it, it's that lovely. The very first sunset photo, you will laugh when I tell you that it makes me "homesick" for England because of the street light! I do remember the lights clicking on with their orangey light and gradually getting brighter as the sun would set. Sigh, maybe I will get back one day! And I would very much like to see Scotland and the Isle of Lewis!!

  5. Cheers Anabel,
    Only thought about it when I noticed ice had completely covered the ponds except in a few places where swans had gathered, even if it was a car sized hole, it was obvious they were the ones keeping it open.

  6. Cheers Carol,
    Yeah, I really grudge paying money for heating so I only put it on before going to bed and for my main meal at 6:00pm. Even when I did put it on more I always had convection currents of cold air at floor level, despite being draft free, so now I just sit inside my sleeping bag, with furry slippers on, if I'm not active and do without heating yet I'm perfectly warm. Warmer than I was in a hot house when most of it ended up near the ceiling and it took ages to get down to floor level. Makes sense to me.

  7. Hi Rosemary. Yes, it was good. We had a week of ice and snow but sunny every day, followed by a week of spring like weather, sunny and still, and now we are having a week of heavy rain and gales. I'm glad I'm indoors, unlike the poor wildlife.

  8. Thank you Kay.
    Peach state girls as well. I was not a fan of lap steel guitars until I heard it played like that. Both of them really talented musicians and singers.
