Tuesday 30 April 2024

March April.2024. Castle Semple, Erskine. Spring walks.

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 This is a compilation of four different walks undertaken during March and April. 2024. All are enjoyable. First up is Castle Semple Water Park. Deep woods here. above.


We ( Alan and I) couldn't find a dry day in a really wet week of grey storms and constant rain in late March. This was an ok day bar a few heavy showers by the afternoon. The rain had just stopped mid morning as we got out the car so we had it dry and timed it well for a few hours walk but with the heavy mist and drizzle still lingering on all the higher surrounding slopes and the threat of it returning....getting soaked was a distinct possibility.

Something I see more often now.. A mature healthy tree whose roots held... simply snapped in half by the wind strength. Winds are increasing.


So it's been a wet and mild winter so far but not without damage.

Toppled tree.


Eventually April came along and brought a few friends adding some life and colour...


Black Cart Water. Castle Semple day.

 The view from the temple. Cycle track and walkway below.


The Semple Temple Mound.


Castle Semple Loch.

Swans and Ducks.


Then a wonderful spell of sunshine occurred.. Heat made things spurt up faster. Berberis. 


Wood Sorrel.


Marsh marigolds.



Tulip Display. Victoria Park. 


Glasgow University.


Lost Duck.




Mar Hall.

Magnolia In Bloom.

Two Stags.

Poppy Plane.

Life and death in the circle game. Someone's Ophelia perhaps....

Hill Farms in the mist.


Golf Course View.

Elaborate Bench.

Erskine Beach walk.


Bowling Harbour.

The Fossil Grove.


Cycle track tunnel.

Deo Gloria.


Greenhill Country. Renfrewshire.

 Inverclyde View.

 Kayaker. Castle Semple.


Wild primroses.



Alan tests out a new wet suit for leaks.....



Farm track.

The Greenhill Country.


  1. Lovely photographs as always! The tulips, I think you said in Victoria Park, are especially nice to me. I just don't see tulips like that in Georgia.

  2. Looks like our lack of spring apart from the hardiest wildflowers (which are low down in the sheltered zone I suppose) and the gardened flowers. We've only really just started with spring half-way through this month and it looks just as dreich in some of your photos too. Your waterlevels look pretty high too!

    I'd call your daffodils narcicssi - I'm sure the short-trumpet ones with white outer petals are always narcissus - they're later than the daffs.

    I'd have had to rescue that poor little duck - I'm always rescuing abandoned cloth animals - they just look so forlorn outdoors.

  3. Nice collection. I like that Castle Semple walk, we’ve done it a few times. Glad to see Victoria Park looking well cared for again. It was hyacinths in the beds last time we were there.

  4. Cheers everyone. I had four posts leftover so decided to clear the decks with one big post as I've already done some cracking days out in sunshine still to come for May. But walks done in Mid April.

  5. Lovely to be reminded of fossil grove, a place that I only discovered shortly before we left living in Glasgow forever. It looks as if it is well cared for with lots of colourful flowers and neat pathways.

  6. Hi Rosemary, Don't know if it will open this year due to service cuts as it's normally only open in the summer months. All the public greenhouses are in a poor state with many shut altogether thanks to decades of UK austerity cuts. We pay more for far less every year now it seems to me. Affording to run a car is a real luxury expense now given the latest car insurance costs. mot. road tax etc potentially running into £1000s. And the roads are still full of dangerous potholes when you do go for a run in it so not all sunlight and roses when out and about.
