Boy did we pick the right day weather wise by going out on the Saturday.Sunday was grim even just tramping round the shops in Glasgow.
After the usual amiable discussion,each chipping in suggestions suited to our own tastes, we agreed on something and headed for a wooded ridge overlooking the River Tay and the fair city of Perth. O.S.map 58.

Admittedly Moncreiffe Hill is not as good as Kinoull but the views are different,it`s quieter and has its own little secrets which we were to find out...or not!

Our car park lay at the eastern end.There was no trig on my well used map (ahem,it may have been worn off on a fold) .After a wee bit of thrashing through conifers and sundry undergrowth all around the top to find the highest point we looked for the trig.We weren`t even sure if there was one up here it was just a glimpse below of something small and white. (Not standing proud and declaring itself boldly like say..... a Monument :)

Anyway it was a fine hill and a sunny viewpoint but once again we`d picked a deceptive little maze of a hill.Despite much searching the elusive trig couldn't be found in the wooded folds of this wee massif.We were on a time limit as the days were shorter now and we still planned on doing another 2 hills today.

Back at the car we found an info board with a picture map of the hill.The trig was proudly shown further to the west of where we were looking.Also missed (sigh) was a dramatic gorge with steep steps leading into it."No visit to the hill is complete without an ascent of this glory of the crag" it said.Ah well, give us an excuse to return some day.
Hill number 2 of the morning was Culteuchar Hill which was just across the valley of the River Earn 6 klms away but required a short car journey.
We parked on the minor road beside wooded Craigoway Hill then followed good paths over the rising moor to the summit slope.

"That would be a fine wee challenge for someone."
"When I die I want to be made into a monument!" I proclaimed on a different train of thought.
Just dump me upright on a nice hill and pour a few bags of postcrete over me that`ll give you a start.Nothing too extravagant, 25 feet high will do nicely."

Thanks for writing it up Bob :)
I was playing around with the camera settings on the Clevage Hills.I reckon I know about 5% of what it can actually do.Discovered the multiple exposure part which takes three exposures,normal,one stop under and one stop over.So,I blended them together in Photoshop and here are a couple to have a gander at :) You might have to enlarge them to see them properly.
Bob on the summit of the Clevage Hills.

The Lomond Hills from the Clevage Hills above Dunning. The Clevage Hills are yet another site that may or may not be Mons Graupius where the Picts and Romans clashed.I think we have been to 4 of the contenders this year so far.See here for more detailed info...
Mons Graupius

Will have to save up the pennies for a proper DSLR camera.....