Now I would get the chance to climb the steep sea cliff of Bower hill where the Carrick range plunges abruptly into the sea.

I`d forgotten just how scenic this part of the coast was,pity about the smell coming from a sewage works and the massive holiday camp (formally Butlins) which we had to pass on our way to the hill.
We parked at Longhill Point,hit the sand and outgoing tide just right and soon reached the signposted path up the hill.This looked somewhat overgrown and steep but as a path sign pointed the way up we thought it would be a dawdle.
As Alex remarked later when we both decided no way were we going back down that way if it was over rock it would have been a graded climb.Moderate or Diff.

We only managed to climb it due to a cunning ladder of tree roots,rotten branches and crumbling mud ledges that just held our weight.

He was right.This wooded cliff must be a haven for wildlife.Well those few birds and animals that remained that is. I`ve never seen such a carnage of beaks, squeaks fur and feathers in such a small area.Every new handhold or ledge revealed a pair of torn off jackdaw legs lying on a tree stump or a pile of bloody feathers or fur and the odd eyeball scattered around.
At the top it got even steeper bringing us eyeball to eyeball with an entire jigsaw puzzle collection of little victims.I really got into trying to build a whole animal out of the bits but Alex was not impressed with the result. "Looks like a womble!"he grumbled. He knows nowt about art though.

"Wait until you see whats next!" I called down.
Alex didn't like the hawthorn tunnel much either.Whats wrong with that boy! Fine sunny afternoon and a wildlife extravaganza into the bargain.

A fun day!!!!!!! Well I enjoyed it.

Now that was a chuckle!!!
Any ideas on the major predator? Judging by the terrain it could be a lost species...I can't see anybody else ever wanting to go there!
Used to wander that area looking for agates and lunching in the pub at Dunure...that was the late 70's.
Enjoyable! I'm one who enjoys those climbs pulling on the roots and vines:) I'd rather do the sit and squat going down though!
It was probably more than one Ken.Stoats,sparrowhawks,buzzards take your pick.I really enjoyed this bit of coastline.Dunure is a great wee place that still retains its charm.Got some seaweed for my garden as well as there was tons of it rotting on the high tide line.Alex is a far better climber than me on open rock so I,ve got to resort to Jungle tactics to get an edge.He,s crap at crawling on his belly under low bushes.Always makes me smile watching him caterpiller along with grim determination.
Mimi. great thing about uk is we dont have poison ivy or sumac.Plenty of thorns,brambles and nettles though on this hill.Bob.
Hmmmm, think I'll give that walk a miss. Glad you're enjoying yourselves!
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