Saturday 31 August 2024

The End of the Road.

 For the past couple of years Google or blogger have made certain changes to the way bloggers upload their posts. It still says "make  beautiful blogs easily" but for me that's no longer the case. It used to be easy and simple to do but they made another change recently so I can no longer post photos with the text. I have tried several times but without photos it's fairly pointless. It has also pissed me off. Scunnered in fact. I'm not sure if it's because I have an older model computer, which still works fine for everything else but with most household bills doubling in recent years I'm not about to buy a new windows 10 computer just on the off chance that that will fix this problem.... so for the time being this looks like the last post. Thank you to all the people who have looked and commented on my posts over the years. I still have loads of posts and places I've been to recently still to upload  but when they make it this hard to upload photos the new way... I'm out for now. If it's not broke don't try to fix it is a rule I always followed in my own job but this latest change is tinkering too far with something that worked perfectly fine before.... for the last 16 years of blog life.


Anabel Marsh said...

Sorry to hear that Bob - I always enjoy your posts and often learn about places i don’t know. I suppose it would be tricky to move to another platform? Mind you, they all keep “improving” things when it seems unnecessary. I am still clinging to “old” Wordpress until I am forcibly ejected and made to use the updated version. I suspect none of them are too bothered about hobby bloggers like us, They want to make websites for companies so I guess they don’t care what we think.

Kay G. said...

Bob! Say it ain't so!! You must do what you think is best but doggone it, I am sure you could find a way, couldn't you? I would miss the lovely views of Scotland you have given us if you stop blogging. No pressure but just a gentle, "please try again". Not just for me, but for yourself!

Your blogging friend in Georgia, USA.

Carol said...

Hi Bob - gutted to read that. Wordpress are just the same and keep making it harder and harder to use for the sake of new frills for those who like a 'frilly website' and it p***s the rest of us off too. They've even put a banner across the top of my blog (for me reading it - not sure if everyone else can read it) saying that, if I want it removed (so that I can get valuable screen space back), I have to pay £3 per month. I raised a post on the helpdesk forum and said I considered that blackmail but they deny it is and say it's just an 'advert' which I've agreed to. I pointed out that, if it was an advert, it would go away at some point but this is permanent. It has really annoyed me.

They also changed the method of posting which made it very hard for the Luddites among us to continue posting but it was found that if we always copied an old post and just cleared out the info and used the formatting, we could continue in our old way. Maybe there's an option for you to do that?

Whatever you do, resist Windows 10 (11 now anyway) for as long as you can. I find it more or less unusable. Same for new laptops - no CD/DVD slot, not enough USB ports, no mouse buttons so you have to plug in a mouse etc. Hardly any functionality - my 20 odd year old Dell with Win XP can do hundreds more things than the new machine. The Windows 10 machine is only really fit to read e-mails on and do internet stuff.

blueskyscotland said...

Hi Anabel. I'm sorry about it as well as that's a big part of the motivation for doing walks and getting me out the house is posting outings I've enjoyed that other people might not know about.

blueskyscotland said...

Hi Kay, it seems so at the moment as I've tried for the last week trying to get even a couple of photos posted when it was so easy before but nothing works so far. I'm not that hot with technology issues but managed to navigate previous changes ok but not this one. I'll keep trying but it's frustrating enough to want to throw in the towel.

blueskyscotland said...

Hi Carol, I remembered your banner but I can't see it on your blog from this end. It's the same with everything these days though. I had google and firefox upgrades a while ago, even though I had ticked the never update boxes and two very useful applications I've used for years for music tracks stopped working the day after my computer was updated, never to return. And I keep getting pestered monthly about getting a smart meter even though I've repeatedly said I don't want one. Half of them either stop working and go dumb or give incorrect bills according to reports and I already know exactly how much electricity I use each month without one. Yet every month or so I get pestered even though I always pay my bills as soon as I receive them. Thanks for the info on windows 10. I'll stick to this one then as long as its still working. Cheers.

Anabel Marsh said...

I understand that, blogging works as a motivation for me too.

Carol said...

I hate tech too - it's going backwards in usability instead of forwards but they think they're making huge strides ahead. They're just making everything harder and harder to use. Pretty soon, it will only be those with their heads stuck in the phones all day who will be able to keep up with all the new stuff and stay online.

Did you look into whether you can copy an older post and edit it to produce a new one with photos? All my 'new' posts are copied from a master with the old format I'm used to.

Anonymous said...

Hi Carol. I'll try that tomorrow. Don't think it will work though as even if I copy an old one then edit it into a new post I can't post it. Stupid change as it was fast and easy before they altered it. And they will probably change it again in six months time. That's just the way of it. Bob.